Positive Energy 4 Life
with Dr. Amy J


Positive Energy 4 Life

Positive Energy 4 Life
April 2013

It is officially the end of winter and the start of spring. Time for all things to begin to blossom and grow, including you. This month, try to expand your horizons and do things that are not in your normal routine. Read new books or hike on a trail you've never been on. Don't leave another door shut just because you didn't turn the knob. Once you open yourself up to new aspects in life, the flowers won't be alone in blooming beautifully this spring.
Dr. Amy J
Positive Energy 4 Life
April Showers...

Although April is officially the first month of spring, it also has a tendency to bring as many rainy days as it does sunny days. Not to worry! Here are some exercises that you can do indoors or outdoors so that the weather doesn't dictate your routine. 


  1. Yoga 
    Yoga is excellent to practice outside to take in all the beauty nature has to offer while honoring your body. Practicing yoga is excellent indoors as well since you can concentrate and control your environment more.    
  2. Jogging
    Of course everyone knows that you can jog outside, but not everyone realizes that you can jog inside - without a treadmill. Jogging in place while you watch your favorite show is not only effective, it's fun.
  3. Wall Sits                                                                
    Yes, this exercise has the word "wall" in it, but you don't actually have to have a wall handy to do it. If you're indoors, great. Grab a wall and get to toning. But if you're outdoors, you can use the side of a building, a tree, even your car. All you need is something that won't budge while your back pressed against it.                                                                                
  4. Jumping Jacks 
    This is an oldie but goody. This simple, yet effective exercise is great for getting the heart pumping and blood flowing, whether you're watching birds while doing it, or watching a flat screen.                                   
  5. Healthy Eating
    No, this isn't an exercise, but it's easy to do no matter the time or place. If you're in the house on a rainy day, cuddle up with a good book and some sliced fruits. You can still snack, just be conscious of the food you choose. If you're outdoors, find a friend and spread out a balanced picnic in the park. Include your favorite healthy foods while enjoying the magnificence of nature.


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